High Intensity Interval Training

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Hate exercising or when asked about exercising your answer is “I don’t have time”.  High-Intensity Interval Training or HIIT might be for you. While I know that inactivity is bad for you, getting started with exercise is hard. Especially when you think about doing it every day for at least 30 minutes.

What is High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

It is bouts of maximal or near-maximal intensity exercise followed by periods of rest or light intensity exercise. Practically should be 8-10/10 intensity.

What intensity is HIIT?

Is max heart rate= 220-age, for example, if your age is 40. Your max heart rate is= 220-40= 180 (you want your heart rate during high-intensity exercise to go up between 85%-90% (or 153-162).

How little Exercise is Enough?

In a recent study, Gilen JB et al. PLoS One, 2014; 9 (11): e111489; demonstrated that a total of 10 minutes, 3 times per week on cycle:

-2 min warm up

-20 seconds all out, 2 minutes recovery or low exercise for 3 sets

-3 minutes cool down

The study showed improved skeletal muscle oxidative capacity and improved markers like blood pressure and aerobic capacity.

An easy way to get started with HIIT

What is the Recommendations for HIIT

Regular exercise recommendation is to Ideally do is five days per week with moderate intensity. So, 50-70% max heart rate or High intensity 80-90% max heart rate. Exercise for 20-30 minutes of time. For example:

  • Walk 30 minutes at a brisk pace 5 days per week

Compared to HIIT:

  • Interval training 25 minutes at 80 % max heart rate for 3 days per week.

Other work out ideas:

  • Rowing/running/cycling intervals for 30 seconds on, 90 seconds off for 6 sets
  • Quick circuit- 50 jumping jacks to warm up, follow by 10 repetitions of 3 different eight exercises for 3 sets
  • Work out video like P90X, meet the ACSM criteria for energy expenditure and intensity.
  • The 7-minute-high intensity Circuit training. 30 active, 10 seconds rest
7 minute work out

HITT might be the way to go if you are short in time, like with everything try it and see if you like it.

Want to know how fit you are? Test your self here

If you are short on time and want to exercise HIIT maybe just what you need. Any exercise that is done on a regular basis is the right exercise for you.

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